Outline of Northern Cyprus

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) is a de facto independent republic[1][2][3] on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. Officially it is the northern territory of the Republic of Cyprus.[4] The TRNC declared independence in 1983, nine years after a Greek Cypriot coup attempting to annex the island to Greece triggered an invasion by Turkey. It has received diplomatic recognition only from Turkey, on which it is dependent for economic, political and military support. The rest of the international community, including the United Nations and European Union, recognises the sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus over the whole island.

The TRNC extends from the tip of the Karpass Peninsula (Cape Apostolos Andreas) in the northeast, westward to Morphou Bay and Cape Kormakitis (the Kokkina/Erenköy exclave marks the westernmost extent of the TRNC), and southward to the village of Louroujina/Akıncılar. The no man's land or buffer zone stretching between the two areas is under the control of the United Nations.

In 1974, Turkey led a land invasion of Northern Cyprus with the aim of protecting the Turkish minority population after a Greek-inspired coup brought a threat of union of the island with Greece.[5][6] However, the Greek Cypriots regard the Turkish army as an illegal occupation force; its presence has also been denounced by the United Nations in several United Nations Security Council resolutions.[7] Attempts to reach a solution to the dispute have so far been unsuccessful. Efforts to find a solution are ongoing. In 2004 the 5th revision of UN Annan Plan to settle the Cyprus dispute was accepted by a majority of Turkish Cypriots in a referendum, but did not gain the support of the majority of Greek Cypriots.

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to Northern Cyprus:

General reference

Geography of Northern Cyprus

Environment of Northern Cyprus

Natural geographic features of Northern Cyprus

Ecoregions of Northern Cyprus

Administrative divisions of Northern Cyprus

Municipalities of Northern Cyprus

Demography of Northern Cyprus

Government and politics of Northern Cyprus

Main article: Government of Northern Cyprus and Politics of Northern Cyprus

Branches of the government of Northern Cyprus

Executive branch of the government of Northern Cyprus

Legislative branch of the government of Northern Cyprus

Foreign relations of Northern Cyprus

International organization membership

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is a member of:[4]

Law and order in Northern Cyprus

Military of Northern Cyprus

Local government in Northern Cyprus

History of Northern Cyprus

Culture of Northern Cyprus

Art in Northern Cyprus

Sports in Northern Cyprus

Economy and infrastructure of Northern Cyprus

Education in Northern Cyprus

See also


  1. ^ Antiwar.com. In Praise of 'Virtual States', Leon Hadar, November 16, 2005
  2. ^ Carter Johnson, University of Maryland. Sovereignty or Demography? Reconsidering the Evidence on Partition in Ethnic Civil Wars, 2005
  3. ^ Emerson, Michael (2004). The Wider Europe Matrix. CPSE. ISBN 9290794690. 
  4. ^ a b "Cyprus". The World Factbook. United States Central Intelligence Agency. July 2, 2009. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/cy.html. Retrieved July 23, 2009. 
  5. ^ Lewis, Paul (May 11, 2001). "Nikos Sampson, 66, Cyprus President After Coup, Dies". The New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/11/world/nikos-sampson-66-cyprus-president-after-coup-dies.html?pagewanted=1. 
  6. ^ http://www.tcn-cy.freeuk.com/Special2.htm
  7. ^ UN Security Council resolutions 353(1974), 357(1974), 358(1974), 359(1974), 360(1974), 365(1974)

External links

Wikimedia Atlas of Northern Cyprus

Official links
Other links